Monday, March 10, 2008

computer has bit the dust!!

hello everyone, welll sorry no photos today, our computer motherboard has just quit and we are in the process of getting another one and having someone get all my stuff trasferred over, they assure me I shouldn´t lose anything. we are back in Nuevo Vallarta but the docks are all full - we are on a piling , will take a picture and somehow get it on the blog (?) anyway , will be there until the computer is fixed and the generator is hooked up. our luck has not been the best today ...... although it could have happened when we were already out in the ocean , so maybe our luck is good!!!!!
Happy Birthday to Uncle Wayne ( 70) and Auntie Bon (72) sending hugs to all. I like how calm the marina waters are, but being here is just to busy with noise and people, like Yelappa!! good place to visit! we will be heading out around the 20th (of course computer being the thing we await!! navigational piece of equipment)

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