Monday, July 13, 2009

first day out - July 10

Hey all,

well first day out and all is well. we have 15-18 knots of wind , seas are about 4 ft, its a nice ride. doing 6.1 knots -
our position is 24* 40' N 159* 28'W

We are not fishing yet as the freezer is too full still. Everyone is going well today, yesterday Emma and Maya were seasick. It took a day to get our sea legs. laying low, eating light, -

saw a shark yesterday! exciting, and Malachi caught a 6 ft marlin but lost it bringing it in. still was fun.

looks like we will have this wind for a few more days until we get close to the high with light winds. we did 148 miles in the last 24

not much else, for now. have to get used to being down here undersail, its not so easy to type when leaning.


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