We had a fantastic time snorkeling and swimming with the dolphins - we jumped into the water from our dingys - tons of dolphins everywhere, mammas with their babies even. This is a underwater park here and is closed to anchoring and fishing , so we are anchored way out of the bay. makes for a nice nursery for the dolphins! Kyle swam and swam along with Maya and the Malachi girls along with the dolphins, they loved this!!!!! What a neat experience for all the kids, swimming with them in their natural environment!
see the baby one with its mamma! she was so tiny!! never seen a dolphin so small before
We had so many dolphins swimming around, underneath and jumping out of the water. They are the spinner dolphins and they look like they have pink on their bellies. We even heard them talking!!! so cool! safe to say all that sailing we did was worth it to get here!!! Malachi and us where the only non-tour boat around and the only ones anchored. The locals say they don't get too many sailboats around, one guy even recognized our boat as a steel hull, using his binoculars from land- he used to own one.Later in the afternoon we went ashore to stretch our legs, then visited on Malachi. around 8:30pm we had manta rays around the boat! Life is so good!!
We are leaving here today and heading to Kailua-Kona for the day ( may anchor but depends on the anchorage, its not a good one - play that by ear) and then head to the top of the big island before heading to Maui. The weather here has been great, not to rocky - this can be a very very uncomfortable anchorage. just for your info - Hilo is the rainiest city in all of the USA!! amazing , eh?!
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