Well glad to see you've all been trying to learn about where we currently are. The answer I was looking for was HUGE WAVES, a lot of them! They came crashing in over the breakwater and hitting the hotel and wiping out some of the marina. We saw a picture of it in the harbor masters office. ( i forget when it happened ) thanks for playing Tremblay troup trivia!!!! coming to you live aboard the Orca III - just had to say that!! :)
It was very windy yesterday!! We are planning on leaving tomorrow. sun is shining and there is very little wind here in the harbor- hope there is a little out there. Won my stove on Ebay - won, that's so weird to say cause I had to pay for it! hahaha
We went to the Sea Lab here in town and we learned all kinds of things about local sea life and also got to touch lots of stingrays, horned sharks, sea urchins, sea cuumbers, snails, stars.ect. Even got to watch them feed the halibut and boy can they move fast and jump!! I got sprayed with salt water ( right in my mouth, I was talking- suprise?!)
We've been swimming everyday and walked everywhere. Time to move on!
We just had a nice suprise! One of our old Spruce Harbour neighbors happened to be here, Lyle (used to have Steel Eagle) He just was walking along the seawall and saw our boat and popped on down. How cool is that!! nice to chat!!
Hi Family
Yes it is nice to chat and nice to hear from you. Keep having fun it looks good on all of you. I will be thinking of Maya and Emma tomorrow at our Bell Concert at the Academy as I listen to 'Kids Sing'. I will miss seeing you in the audience. I miss you a lot. Garage is coming ever so much closer to being a Bell Studio. March will see the walls and drywall going in.
Loving us all, Sandra
Trivia answer...I think you might be trying to throw us off with talk of sea creatures. I believe it looks like the infamous intake valve that got you into the jelly(fish) jam!!! Or...I guess it could be kind of a wet metallic looking sea urchin??? Or as Auntie Sandy might say (with an Irish Accent!), would it be three gloves???
Loving you all always,
Mom (in-law), GMa
sorry mom wrong!!
but it is a sea creature thing here's a hint
something to do with the horned shark
good luck
OH MY GOODNESS!!! I just had the best laugh over your Mom's comments. Suddenly I flew back in time to a Reno bus trip....my first and only (come to think of it). Ila, Bill, Wendy and me.
Well, I could take up this whole blog over that story...lol...., but will leave it up to Wendy to record them in her memoirs/novel. I know I'm going to be chuckling the entire evening. Thanks Sis!!! You made my afternoon.
As far as the trivia question is concerned....looks like some kind of auger....and if it's to do with that "horned" shark...is it a.....(drum roll please) thing-a-mabog?????. Hmmmm...well....ummmmm.
Please send my prize to Auntie Ila's. Thank you....thank you very much!!
Now...I'm ready for the next trivia question.
Thanks for all the fun....love you and miss you all so very much.
Auntie Sandy
Me thinks I'll have me a little shark omelette in the mornin', ahrrr.
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